Translator's Talk

Announcement: Author Revised Escape Galge

Around the time when I was translating Chapter 7, I found out that the author revised the original Escape Galge Protag (completed in 2015) into a lengthier version here (completed in 2016).


Should you read the revised?

1. It’s mostly the original with extra details here and there. Highlight the next portion if you’re curious what are some of the additions but beware of spoilers. Notable additions: More interaction with the other capturable characters, a new character(the missing Thursday girl), Aoi’s POV, more interaction with Aoi and Ei-kun, more of Kii’s cuteness.

2. The changes in the revised version are pretty spread out especially after the intro and before the ending. As such, readers who’ve already read the current series can consider reading the revised series.



Thoughts for now and plans for the future

1. Quite happy that some of the additions Hanaka Yui-sensei made has given the story more depth. She also fixed some missing words, odd sentence structures, grammar etc.

2. I’ll be counterchecking the two versions line-by-line to see what has changed so that I can indicate the changed portions for current readers who don’t want to re-read the same thing again.

3. For chapters with no change (if there are any), I’ll just upload the same thing again so that there’s no skips and it’s easier for readers who click links through sites like NU.


2 thoughts on “Announcement: Author Revised Escape Galge

  1. So it’s like extras right? But the important question is, are there chapters after the main story ending between Kii and Aoi?


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